Title: Clarification
Rating: PG
Category: DSR
Spoilers: Never Again
Summary: Scully takes Doggett to the Hard Eight Lounge in Philadelphia.Title: Headache Relief
Rating: PG
Category: MS/UST one-sided and a little something else ;)
Timeline: I like to think this story takes place around season 2 - anytime after 1993.
Spoilers: small reference to Genderbender
Summary: Is there anything that could possibly relieve the headache Scully has after a long day at work?
Title: Passion Fruit
Rating: R
Category: MSR, RST, Post-Ep for both Amor Fati and Millennium
Spoilers: through Millennium
Summary: There is no place she'd rather be.Title: Continuum
Rating: NC-17
Category: MSR, RST, Theef Pre-Ep/Post-Ep/Missing Scene, Challenge Fic
Spoilers: Seasons Six and Seven, specifically The Rain King, Field Trip, Millennium, and Theef
Summary: The time doesn't matter.Title: Everything and Nothing
Rating: G
Category: M/S Domestic, Post-Series, Challenge Fic
Spoilers: William
Summary: I ask for nothing.Title: Worth Remembering
Rating: R
Category: MSR
Spoilers: Season Seven
Summary: a love storyTitle: Refuse Letting Go
Rating: PG-13
Category: MSR
Spoilers: Seasons Seven, Eight and Nine
Summary: a love story, continued (a companion piece for "Worth Remembering")Title: Don't Believe
Rating: PG-13
Category: Vignette, Challengefic
Spoilers: Essence / Existence
Summary: Apparently, the spark of life cannot be extinguished quite as easily as they had imagined.Title: Heart Sounds
Rating: G
Category: Poem
Summary: Reassurance beats beneath her ear.Title: One More Touch
Rating: PG-13
Category: MSR, "Ice" missing scene, heavy on the "Pilot" references
Spoilers: "Ice" and "Pilot"
Summary: He thinks, not for the first time, that if he could only have one more touch...Title: Angel
Rating: PG-13 -- R if you have an active imagination ;)
Category: Poem
Summary: She glitters in the night...Title: Defining A Life
Rating: a very tame PG-13
Category: Other POV, Post-series Fic, D/Other Friendship, Implied MSR (but, hey, the whole series implied MSR)
Spoilers: "The Truth" and "William" mostly, plus the baby story in general.
Summary: It has been said that a person's life comes down to just a few very important days.Title: My Sacrifice
Rating: PG-13
Category: Vignette, Scully POV, Post-"The-Truth"
Spoilers: Hoo boy... You need a general knowledge of seasons 1-9. There are specific references to: Pilot, Irresistible, Pusher, Never Again, Redux II, Folie A Duex, Fight the Future, Triangle, Unnatural, Amor Fati, All Things, Requiem, Deadalive, Existence, William, The Truth.
Summary: The future is her life now. Hope in the future. - A companion piece for "Defining A Life".Title: So Addictive
Rating: R/NC-17
Category: SRH - Mulder/Scully
Spoilers: "The Unnatural" (If you haven't seen that ep, you need to! Where have you been?)
Summary: Scully's fantasies are driving her crazy...Title: Requited
Rating: NC-17
Category: SRH - Mulder/Scully
Spoilers: "The Unnatural" (If you haven't seen that ep, you need to! Where have you been?)
Summary: In the end, neither would rememberTitle: Past the Point of No Return
Rating: PG-13
Category: SR - Mulder/Scully
Spoilers: The Truth
Summary: Mulder and Scully take the next step in the healing process.Title: Always
Rating: NC-17 for sexual situations
Category: SR - Mulder/Scully
Spoilers: none
Summary: They will be there for each other. Always.Title: Late
Rating: R for sexual situations - not too graphic though
Category: SR - Mulder/Scully
Spoilers: none
Summary: Mulder nightmares - sleepy confessions - late for work - hopelessly romantic brain candy.